
Feb, 2006. For the past five months I have been living in a car at the edge of woods — jobless and homeless and totally unable to find a way out. I can't sing, I can't dance, I can't scream loudly enough, but I can read and write. So here I am laying down tracks...hopefully the start of an online paper trail out of here. (Update: Miracles happen....if you are reading my story I am part of your proof.)

Thursday, February 26, 2015

From blog to book (In the Hands of Angels

Some time ago, wanting to know how easy or difficult it was to produce an e-book, I started one, putting together all the blog posts that I originally wrote while I was in the car, and that whole time up to me getting a book deal. People often email me, still, asking how a blog becomes a book. Well, this is the story of how mine did.... It is now available on Amazon as a Kindle book.
The title is:  In the Hands of Angels

As we sometimes all are....

It was very difficult reading through these again. And it reminded me that the trick is not only to understand your mistakes but to learn the lessons from them too, to make sure we never make the same ones again. 


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